The Kano Model

The Kano Model that is one of the foundations for voice of the customer concept. In 1984, Noriaki Kano presented a paper on customer satisfaction at a Japanese quality control conference. This paper laid the foundation for some of VOC's basic concepts. Professor Kano presented the Kano Model to explain the importance of meeting customer needs. Kano defined quality in terms of must be quality or basic quality, performance quality, and excitement quality. The quality element that can create the most dynamic positive change within your organization is producing products or services that provide excitement quality.

Over time, the elements that make up excitement quality eventually become basic quality. Let's take an example, (automobiles). In the 1970s cars typically didn't have electric windows. You had to roll up the window using a crank. When electric windows first came out, people were so excited. Now, electric windows in cars is expected - - it is basic quality.

How does your company provide excitement quality that is unspoken by the customer? By listening to the customer's "heart-of-heart" needs. In the upcoming module we will teach you how to listen to the customer's true needs so that you can come up with solutions that will delight and excite the customer. Click anywhere on the screen to continue.